blog 14# "no pain no gain"

1.30 pm

Hey there again, it's been few days since i wrote last time. i've been good, been spending an awesome time with my gf :) i'm at school editing an advert, it's gonna be hilarious haha. it's about a man who's suffering from hair loss and suddenly some bottle magicially appears to him. and that bottle contains a hair product which will help this man to get his hair back. and bla bla bla. so the man is bald in the beginning but in the end he has a massive blond hair and there's this Aerosmith - Dude looks like a lady -song playing in the background. i'm laughing my ass off while editing, so funny. i still need to do a voiceover and stuff to complete it.

Yesterday was a rehears day, they were pretty killer. selfdefence techniques for 75mins so my legs were pretty dead, but still did it. no pain no gain? no gain no fame? no blame no shame? what, again? haha and oh yeah, i got pulled out by a police this morning, while i was driving to school. luckily i wasn't speeding cuz they had a radar. but zeropointzero alcohol in my blood. i had a cig in my mouth and blackrain was playing as the cop said "drivers license and registration" i was like 'umm...' *opens the glove compartment and picks up a pile of papers* 'it shouldbe in these...'. the cop was like "so this is YOUR car then?" and i were like 'yeaaaaah...?' the fuck should i know about car registration papers? haha. i also thought what if the cop sees my right mirror? i mean, it's broken, u can barely see through it...also my left mirror is a bit broken. but i guess he didn't mind? it's not easy to get pulled out by a cop here, there are so few around..and oh i just remembered i need to visit the frikkin policestation some day, they have my new passport which i ordered last week. man i don't like that place, bad memories ;)

But yeah, i'm gonna resume editing now. see ya again someday and take care :)

blog 13# "?!"

2.35 am

Hello and fuck. been a long day and it was kinda cool. nothing fun at school tho, but rehears were awesomely great..pretty rough warm up and i really liked it. after that we had some sword techniques like attacking and defencing plus attack to attack etc.....and that stuff.

This will be a short blog again, i'm too tired and my brain doesn't work properly anymore. just trying to think stuff. whats right or wrong, what matters what doesn't..i need a real vacation. well i guess (hope) people are just tired. everybody throws it on me of course, that's what it has always been. "fuck my own stuff, you're more important to me" and there we go again..i hope people can appreciate it someday and somehow. i mean, someone does, otherone doesn't and there are always excuses. well what do i know, just trying to be nice...i've thought it's stupid to be nice.....(not all) people do need own space, but can you guess which ones? no, unless you're a fucking mind reader or simply give them some other options. yeah that's it for now. and you who read this, don't pull any conclusions. it's not about you, it's not even about me. it's about a fucking pussy monster who crawls around the new york and i don't even know what the fuck am i writing about. and fuck, this turned out to be a long blog after all.

Nahh,gotta go to sleep. school today and stuff. well, you can't know what's gonna happen,maybe something....hehe...just wait for it. so yeah bye and here's a pic for you:

part of my gears + silver medal yay

blog 12# "ei"

10.19 am

Hello, i'm writing this one in finnish, so if you don't know any finnish, u should stop here.

Joo täs kahvia naamaan ja outo vitutus, eikä ees tietoo miks..toi vasemman isovarpaan rakko on iha törkeen kipee eikä sil voi ees astua kunnol haha. pitäs olla jo skoles mut vituttaa tää säätämine ja tuol tuulee törkeesti jotai lunta ja ties mitä.....lihakset ei mitenkää kovin kipeinä oo, oon yllättyny et pääsin ees sängyst ylös. tai no oli seki aika hankalaa koska 4 tunnin unet. taas. iha törkee lagaus ny meneillää......

Ja tänää skolen jälkee pitäs poliisiasemalle uusimaan passia :) jeejee, kiinnostaa nii vitusti..noh, eipä siit taas sit vähään aikaan tarvii huolehtia...ja siis pitääks niille antaa sormenjäljetki? niil kyl on mun sormenjäljet ja dna hahhaha mut siis eikö ne muka oikeesti käytä niit poliisitietoja? kyl mä vähä epäilen et ne käyttää ristiinrastiin niit. ihme holhousta. ja pitäis joku matkavakuutuski hankkia..viide viiko päästä sinne egyptiin. mut jeba nyt kai pakko lähtee. tekis vaa mieli jäädä tähä dataileen tai kattoon vaik jotai ostos-tv:tä ku lähtee ajelee tonne räntään....kirjottelen varmaa illal jos ny jaksaa. moro :)

blog 11# "valentine's day"

2.16 am

Happy valentine's day fuckers :) first, i'm gonna say that the rehears were great. they were. i thought i'd die there, but actually i survived the whole set. and yeah i do remember those techniques n all the important stuff. and i'm proud of myself for going there. but yeah, i got couple of blisters to my toes haha, i kinda knew it would happen, but i'm taking care of 'em. they're healing. aaand also my arm started bleeding hha, but that's nothing.

Yeah i'm really tired now, it's over 2 am and i'm planning to get some sleep. i gotta woke up early as fuck, and i have a long day ahead, again. school from 8.15 to 3 and after that i need to get a new fuck that sucks. and of course, lots of school work to do..

I'm so tired, i won't come up with anything special here. so i'll guess i'm gonna end up this short. gonna write as soon as i have something reaaally worth writing for. today i did have some thrilling shit to write about, so let's hope there's more to come these days. so yap,see ya and again, happy valentine's day fuckrs ;)

blog 10# "monday"

4.21 pm

Hello there :) how are you? i'm drinking coffee (again?!) and just chilling......hmm where to start? just came back from school..been doing lots of homework these days. but it's nice tho. oh yeah, we did have a party on friday with our class. it was blast. and ofcourse we went to bar. got too drunk and, well..can't remember all ha ha. the next day i woke up at 8 pm and oh fuck the headache.....killer.....

Today is the day! i'll be leaving within an hour to the Han Moo Do rehears. yay i decided to skip the Hapkido class cuz it was too sloppy for me. and in hmd i already have four belts. so it's easier to hop in and just keep going than start all over again. i remember most of the techniques and kicks, punches etc., so it shouldn't be too hard. and i found all of my stuff; the gi (clothing), belts (white, yellow, green and orange) and fighting gear (covers and "boxing" cloves where your fingers come out). and i also found my old karate set haha plus my kickboxing gears. back in the days.....

I'm kinda nervous to jump back in (cuz of the break), but i really have to do it. i just can't think it's okay to say "nah, i'll go some other day, but not today..", i'm going today and that's it. no buts! oh butts? yes, please! but yeah. butthead. ha ha. and yeah i'm seriously gonna die. i'm really in lack of shape. call me an ambulance... ;)

So yeah, that's about it for now, i think i'll write more later tonite or tomorrow. so wish me luck and see ya bye!

blog 9# "script"

2.56 pm

Hello there. it's thursday and i'm at school...we're studying movie scripting. how cool, really interesting... :) yesterday we got some cool works to do. last nite i wrote an advert script and it turns out to be really weird. it's supposed to be able to shoot some day and that's gonna be fun...

So tomorrow it's friday friday friday and i'm thinking which seat can i take? haha no, just kidding....i'm sorry for my stupid behaviour, i'm starwing and need a plans for the weekend. we supposed to have a party tomorrow with our class but it got cancelled..pity

Hapkido starts today at 6pm. and still i'm not sure if i'm going or not. i'm more excited about han moo do. oh by the way my cars battery died so i'm guessing i don't even have a car to go with. i was late from school also cuz of that. no special plans for today either, just gonna relax and do some homework, drink coffee ...

Well yeah it's almost 3pm so i'm off soon. take care and see u soon ;)

blog 8# "let me sleep"


"good" morning, haha this is not my day.........shouldbe leaving already, i have an appointment in 5 mins,but fuck that shit...i'm gonna be late,but do i even care.......

this was just a quickie blog, i'll write more later. see ya

blog 7# "martial arts"


Hey how's it going? had a great weekend yeah? well i did, i had an awesome one, spent some time with my gf. :) so today's tuesday 7th of feb and doing absolutely nothing haha...yesterday was fucking snowy -3'c and today it's -16'c, :( i'm not inspired doing anything...

So i have two options. firstly, should i start this Sin moo hapkido know, martial arts...or should i continue Han moo do class? i went to hmd for about two years and i won a silver medal from a competition was 2006 or 2007 i think...aand i have 7th or 6th kup belt...i don't remember which ha. but anyways i'm gonna start something. i'm kinda drifting here....hmd has old faces to train with. also rehearsals are on better days..on monday and wednesday, hapkido's are on thursday and sunday...sunday? really?but mr. hangover..

Last sunday we went to see a hapkido was okay, but i didn't get too convinced. felt like something important was missing...and i think the training was a little too sloppy, i mean it looked like they didn't have any discipline nor order..

Back in the days when i used to go to hmd i remember we had kinda strict rehears. sometimes they were really killer, i remember gasping air like a fish on the land haha...and i was in a really good shape...hmmh, hapkidos basic class starts on thursday so i have couple of days to think about the moment i'm not in a good shape haha, but it can be fixed tho.

Yeah but that's it for now, haha i only wrote about martial arts, but that's what i'm thinking of these days. so, i'll be back when i have the conclusion.....bye :)

blog 6#

2.37 pm

Mörö, kirjotan täl kertaa suomeks. ihan ok menee, oon ollu flunssas perjantaist asti. pe olin skoles juu mut täl viikol en oo viel ollu. tänää sit ollu vähä parempi olo vaik yskiminen kyl sattuu iha törkeest ja kuulostaa silt et joku tekis kuolemaa..

Juon kahvia ja pitäs hankkia lääkärintodistus koululle...ei kyl kiinnosta vittuakaan. sit pitäs viel jaksaa kävellä terveysasemalle ja -20 astees käppäily ei paljoa tätä flunssaa helpota. joo en jaksa venaa et pääsee lenkkeilee ja sen semmost. hauska miten flunssas ei tee oikeestaan yhtää mieli röökiä, ja rööki maistuu ihan oudolt. eli täs on hyvä vinkki jos haluaa lopettaa nii hankkii parin viikon flunssan nii on helpompaa lopettaa, right.. right? oon polttanu 2 tobak / flunssapvä.

Nojoo eipä mul mitään muuta asiaa ole..kirjottelen taas joskus ku jaksaa. mo :)