blog 23#


Zau. i decided to wrote some stuff, to kill the boredom. just watched finland - canada icehockey game. we lost 5-3 haha, but anyways. i have cold beers so what the fuck. i finished 2 BIG school last,been doing them for too fucking long. been so lazy ass haha,but now they're done. 'grats for me.yay

Been doing lots of music stuff these days. 'gasmic riffs, awesome lyrics, crazy drums etc....been really inspired..and there's more to come. lyrics are dying to be carved on paper....kickass.

Anyways, i'm drinkng beer and doing music stuff. this is how i roll usually. but fuck kokkola(the city i live in), can't find any fucking bearable musicians here.(tell me if you know somebody,or you're the somebody) some can be found but they're not friendly or have soo different tastes. but my school forces me to live here fucking forever. at least i can record my own stuff with boss-br600.

Yah,anyway it's summer soon,and i have soo many plans. i'm glad the sucky winter is over,finally.
nah i don't have anything in mind so i'll just leave this to be. see ya sometimess,bye



How can it be this hard?
Far away is just too far
For my broken heart, my broken heart
So wake up sleeping beauty
I'll love you today and kill you tomorrow

blog 22# "back again"


Hey, so it's been over an month since i wrote last time, been too lazy and kinda forgot this bloggie thingy...but here i am again, writing some stupid stuff. so what's up? i'm doing okay, drinking coffee and listening to music for the name of chilling. no plans today, but i should do lots of school stuff.....fuck i'm in a hurry...i need to do like um...well i dunno, but A LOT of schoolwork before june.....hope i can manage...

Well anyways, it's almost summer. days are looking really good and the weather is warm :) at last....been missing this.also,there are these icehockey world championship going on in finland and sweden...finland's doing pretty good in games :) 3 wins, 0 losses..whatever..i'm super bored, plus i don't have anything nice to write job for the summer..but lots of plans tho :) well anyways, i'm off now and i'll write someday.. byeh
